Monday 17 September 2007

You Did The Work: Tyra Is The New Mother Love

Tyra “goes off” on Britney Spears with some tough love from her VMA performance:
However, this is really a spoof. Here’s the original episode of Top Model where this Tyra rant comes from. She went off on Tiffany for basically disrespecting her and not taking the show/modeling seriously:

Tyra was NOT happy with ole girl. I remember watching this episode, crazy.

And lastly for kicks, I’mma throw in the video blog from B. SCOOOOOOOOOOTT on Britney’s shittake mess performance. This dude, God bless him and douse him with rainbows, he’s as zesty as a lemon from the tree, but he cracks me up on the regular. He even got a scarf on like he mourning! As opposed to that crazy YT boy, he’s just being mildly extra in a not-crazy way though. LOL @ him playing “Amazing Grace” *dead* and his “ooooooh!” *double dead*.

Check out B. Scott at

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