Monday 17 September 2007

Why Are People Putting Mics in Front of Ja Rule?

Ja Rule’s Arthur the Anteater ass opened his mouth way too wide and came out talking about homosexuality in a recent statement that was ironically meant to address stereotypes.

We need to go step to MTV and Viacom, and lets talk about all these f–king shows that they have on MTV that is promoting homosexuality, that my kids can’t watch this sh-t,” he continued. “Dating shows that’s showing two guys or two girls in mid-afternoon. Let’s talk about s–t like that! If that’s not f–king up America, I don’t know what is.” (Source)

First of all, let me say that I think extreme cases of homophobia like this are a dead giveaway for a closet gay. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it. I mean, this is the same dude who made an anthem about popping Ecstacy pills. That’s sus.

Secondly, let’s talk about why Ja Rule is still getting press or the opportunity to put his two cents out there? Can someone please explain this to me… if I wanted the opinion of a small wildlife animal I’d go down to the LA Zoo.

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