Monday 14 January 2008

Hillary Bashing Serial:What a power-obsessed lesbo!

Another Hillary Bashing moment.Having read this,you couldn't stop but wonder what a woman in her right mind would go through hundreds of sexual maneuvers outside the marriage by the legendary Whitehouse Lothario Bill the-no-other Clinton unless she's a power-obsessed lesbo!If so,are we ready for such a personnel to be our Bossman?Can we handle this?What Jesus would think about this?Jigga for real!It is time for America to have a black President after we've been slaves for 200 years.Karma is all good,people.

"Still,to help the undecided to decide,here is the scandalicious dish to serve the deeds:

(Bill and Hillary persent a united front - despite his many alleged affairs)

For all her endless protestations that Bill Clinton was the victim of a Right-wing conspiracy rather than a serial philanderer, his wife is no fool.

When Hillary caught wind of the fact that the sexy Hollywood actress Sharon Stone was going to be a star guest at a Clinton fundraising dinner, she knew she had to intervene.

But she also needed to keep her hands clean. So she asked a friend to tell Bill's senior staff not to sit Sharon Stone next to the President at dinner.

Dutifully, the staff designated the seat for another woman. They need not have bothered: on the night, Bill arranged to have Stone take her place.

That year, 1995, Hillary certainly had reason to be worried about her husband's proclivities. A biography of Bill was published which contained irrefutable evidence from one of their most trusted friends, Betsey Wright, who had been chief of staff when he was the governor of Arkansas.

She was quoted as confirming that Arkansas state troopers had helped solicit women for Bill. Moreover, she revealed that in 1987 she had personally tried to dissuade him from running for President by presenting him with a list of his purported lovers.

For once, because Betsey was a close friend, Hillary could not dismiss a "bimbo eruption" as the work of their enemies.

Even so, the White House put pressure on her to deny her account - and Betsey duly issued a statement saying she had been "misinterpreted". The author of the book, however, pointed out he had cleared all the quotes with her in advance.

Bill Clinton reacted to the revelations with fury. One of his most trusted advisers, Dick Morris, said later that the President "never spoke of his chagrin that he had done things to bring pain to Hillary - he just railed against his misfortune at them coming out. Nowhere was there any contrition for the adultery - just a furious rage that the world was making trouble for him in his marriage".

Hillary, for her part, was angry enough to kick him out of their White House bedroom and stop speaking to him for a few weeks. She had reacted that way before in Arkansas: during periods of estrangement, she and Bill ended up sleeping in separate bedrooms in the governor's mansion. He always managed to win her back.

But unless evidence of his affairs proved incontrovertible, she simply preferred to turn a blind eye. To keep her marriage going, she had years ago devised a "don't ask, don't tell" approach.

"Tolerating Bill's weakness," said her close friend Susan Thomases, "has always been part of her relationship with him."

What Hillary found harder to tolerate was public humiliation. Time and again, she rose to Bill's defence, even when the facts overwhelmingly suggested that he was lying.

It was a strange atmosphere in which to bring up a child, and the Clintons' only daughter, Chelsea, was 12 when the first major sex scandal hit the headlines during Bill's presidential campaign.


(Innocent times: Bill and Hillary Clinton at his first inauguration as youngest governor, in 1979)

Suddenly, nightclub singer Gennifer Flowers was talking in detail on TV and in print about what she claimed was a 12-year affair with the former governor of Arkansas - and brandishing tapes of their conversations.

Instead of shielding her daughter, Hillary took her to a supermarket when the story broke, pointed at the tabloids and told her what was about to appear in them. Hillary later explained that she and Bill wanted Chelsea "to feel she's a part of this".

Consequently, they sat with her as she watched Gennifer Flowers being interviewed on television. Afterwards, Chelsea told them: "I think I'm glad you're my parents."

Bill also made Chelsea watch Hillary's own television interview, in which she rebutted Flowers' claims. During the course of the programme, a tape was played in which Flowers could be heard saying "Goodbye, darling", with Bill responding: "Goodbye, baby."

Asked on air about this exchange, Hillary just denied reality, saying: "It's simply not true."

It was an insult to the intelligence of even a 12-year-old. Mickey Kantor, chair of the 1992 campaign, who was present when Chelsea watched the interview, observed: "She watched and understood. That was how two parents worked it out under public scrutiny."

Later, Hillary's mother shrewdly observed: "Chelsea is a lot like her mother. She just makes the best of everything."

Was Hillary simply making the best of things when she refused to acknowledge her husband's transgressions?

Certainly, she rarely appeared to react in the time-honoured fashion. There were rumours, however, in her husband's first year as President, that she did not take it well when she learned that the singer Barbra Streisand had spent the night in the Lincoln Bedroom and made calls from Bill's private study. At the time, Hillary was away in Arkansas, at the bedside of her dying father.

On the day she returned to the White House, all the talk was of a major row between the President and his wife. The next morning, he had an unexplained scratch on his face.

But Hillary's usual modus operandi was quite different: any tales about her husband's infidelities would be dismissed as politically-motivated smears and her first line of defence was always to go on the attack.

When Bill's former Arkansas bodyguards blabbed to the Press about his womanising - not to mention Bill's avowal that "oral sex isn't considered adultery" - it was Hillary who came up with the strategy that the White House should pursue: "Go after specific things about the story - dates and times. Attack the motives and details."

streisand and stone

(Barbara Streisand and Sharon Stone: Both linked with Clinton)

At the First Lady's urging, White House aides did not directly confront the latest sexual allegations about Bill, but instead portrayed the troopers' stories as partisan attacks timed to coincide with his rise in the polls.

Next, Hillary gave interviews to reporters, condemning the "outrageous, terrible stories" and suggesting the Clintons were the victims of a political conspiracy.

"Hillary's view was that there were people in Arkansas determined to destroy the Clinton presidency," said a senior White House official. "We would have meetings, and she made Bill stay focused. It was powerful to see her do it."

However, when Bill was asked by a radio reporter whether any of the affairs detailed by the troopers had actually happened, he somewhat let the side down.

"I have nothing else to say. We. . . we did, if, the, the, I, I. The stories are just as they have been said. They're outrageous and they're not so," he mumbled.

In the Clintons' second year in the White House, a 27-year-old former Arkansas employee called Paula Jones announced that Bill had made an unwanted sexual advance to her in a hotel and asked her to engage in 'a type of sex' that was "humiliating".

Bill immediately declared that he'd never met her. But when Betsey Wright was dispatched by the White House to find out more, one of Bill's former bodyguards confirmed to her that he had indeed taken Jones up to the governor's room.

Hillary, by then also battling allegations of financial impropriety involving the purchase of a parcel of land known as Whitewater, responded by giving interviews in which she talked about "a well-organised and well-financed attempt to undermine my husband and by extension myself, by people who have a different political agenda or have another personal and financial reason for attacking us."

In other words, business as usual.

However, a magazine writer who interviewed her at the time noticed that her surface appearance of "choreographed tranquillity" barely disguised the 'simmering frustration' beneath.

Her air of rectitude and steely self-possession came to the fore again when Paula Jones filed a sexual harassment law suit against Bill in May 1994, and shockingly claimed that she could identify "distinguishing characteristics" in Clinton's genitals. As always, Hillary's instinct was to fight.

Her toughest battle of all, of course, began when details leaked to the Press of a sexual relationship between her husband and a White House intern.

The two-year affair had started on the evening of August 15, 1995, when Monica Lewinsky - then 22 - bumped into Bill Clinton one evening at the White House and told him: "I have a really big crush on you."

Two hours later, she was performing oral sex on the 49-year-old President while he took a phone call from a Congressman. Unfortunately for Bill, as their intimate assignations multiplied, Lewinsky was indiscreet enough to confide her secret to two members of her family, seven friends and two therapists.

While her husband grew ever more daring, Hillary was trying to face down problems of her own making. Having just published a 320-page book about child-rearing, called It Takes A Village, she'd rashly claimed that she'd written it herself in longhand over the past six months.

In fact, several collaborators had written the first version - none of whom was acknowledged in the text - and Hillary had made revisions over the course of two months.

When the Press seized on the exaggeration, Hillary's aides brandished sheaves of handwritten foolscap as proof of her labours. Meanwhile, Hillary compounded her fib by insisting during an appearance in Chicago: "I actually wrote the book."

It didn't help her case that, at around the same time, some documents suddenly came to light which showed that she had done legal work on a controversial land development scheme called Castle Grande. It was the same scheme, it turned out, that she had denied knowing about when questioned twice in the past by Federal investigators.

In The New York Times, conservative columnist William Safire accused the First Lady of being a "congenital liar."

Others concluded that her touchiness about telling the truth had its origins in Bill's philandering. This had led to a devil's pact - "made with her own and her husband's ambition" - which involved learning to survive in an atmosphere where dishonesty flourished.

By February 1997, Bill Clinton's new lover was sharing his voicemail messages with several friends. A few months later, according to Lewinsky, he told her he had engaged in "hundreds of affairs" during his marriage.

At 40, he said, he'd been so unhappy that he had thought of divorcing Hillary and leaving politics. Instead, he confided, he'd decided to stay married largely for Chelsea's sake. Since then, he'd kept a calendar on which he indicated "the days when he'd been good".

When the scandal finally broke, it shook the Clinton administration to its core. Hillary later claimed that she had known nothing until her husband awakened her early one morning to explain that Lewinsky was a friend who had "misinterpreted his attention". He had done nothing improper, he insisted.

The First Lady appointed herself Bill's defender-in-chief. Soon afterwards, she was told by an aide that there would soon be revelations about Bill's voicemails, his preference for oral sex and the apparent existence of a Gap dress with semen stains. His warnings made no difference: the prospect of all-out war seemed to energise Hillary.

It was Hillary who decided when the time was right for Bill to say more publicly - which led to the most memorable words of the Clinton presidency: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky."

And it was Hillary who gave a television interview in which she insisted her husband was innocent and blamed the Lewinsky story on a "vast Right-wing conspiracy". When she returned to the White House afterwards, she told an aide: "I guess that will teach them to f*** with us."

Her acquiescence in her husband's lie set the course for the rest of his presidency. Less commented-upon was the effect it had on Chelsea. The Press reported that she was "keeping her head high," but the truth was that Bill had to bring her home from college for a few days because she was distraught.

Later that month, Bill and Hillary whisked her off for a skiing holiday. Back in the White House, the President sought diversion in films, such as The Full Monty.

One dubious choice, which he screened for friends while Hillary was away, was Dangerous Beauty - a movie about a 16th-century courtesan known for her sexual tricks and political bravura. Speechwriter Mark Katz watched as Bill sat "transfixed" by scenes of topless women, talk of fellatio and "abundant humping".

Meanwhile, the battle-hardened First Lady had quietly begun to map out her own future, homing in on New York as the best state in which to pursue a Senate seat.

Bill's game was finally up on July 17, 1998, when he was served with a subpoena to testify before a grand jury about his relationship with Lewinsky. In their memoirs, both Bill and Hillary have written about the Saturday morning when he woke her up to tell her the "truth".

In his account, there is his admission of shame and a description of his wife's reaction - as if he had "punched her in the gut".

In her own book, Hillary writes of: "Crying and yelling: 'Why did you lie to me?'"

But many were sceptical she could have been so stunned after all that had come out over the previous months. Senior adviser Sidney Blumenthal said: "Hillary's not naive. There was no one great explosive shock and surprise moment. Hillary knows her husband well. The best evidence of this is that on Sunday, as the drama was building, she was organising his testimony - so she knew what it was going to be."

Indeed, Hillary's involvement made her fully complicit in Bill's four-hour performance before the grand jury the next day, when he had to acknowledge that Lewinsky had performed fellatio on him.

Later that day, after giving a speech to the nation in which he admitted the affair, he joined his wife in a White House reception room.

Sidney Blumenthal called to praise Bill for the speech, and both Clintons declared they were satisfied with it. As Blumenthal chatted on the phone to other aides, he could hear Hillary and Bill 'bantering in the background.' Clearly, thought the aide, they were still working as a team.

It was only when Hillary began running for office that the pattern changed. The Clintons caught only a day or two together at the White House every week or so before setting out on their separate schedules. They continued to confer by phone every day. But they could not hide the fact that they were essentially leading separate lives.

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