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Props to Concrete Loop for posting this photo scoop today showing Chris Brown and Rihanna shopping together, and leaving together from Barneys…….My first thought was…Chris Brown in Barneys? Weird. My second thought was…..well that seals it. They must be dating.

Because….no man willingly subjects themselves to being dragged from the “shoe pagoda” to “denim lab” to the “knitwear cage,” carrying packages, searching for a loveseat, and being interrogated to give opinions they don’t really have…..guys just don’t offer themselves up for that…unless…baow chicka baow wow…you know.

So that’s my scientific method for deducing that Chris and Rihanna are together. Ok, well, that plus the fact that during last year’s MTV Video Music Awards, a friend told me that Chris and Rihanna were at the Las Vegas IHOP after the show. (IHOP is well-suited for couples who are comfortable in their relationship. Denny’s are for relatives. But Choney’s….strictly for resentful jumpoffs.)

The only question is…most folks say Rihanna is more drawn to too-cool White scruffians (a la Josh Hartnett and Shia LaBoeuf). And I’ve heard more than a few stories about Chris Brown’s penchant for Ghostface “Camay”-style woman. (”…What’s your physical degree, thirty one, thirty three…”) So, this wouldn’t be all just a stunt to distract everyone from that romance rumor about Chris and his manager, would it? Hope not. ‘Cause if its meant to be, let it be. It was creepy with Celine Dion and Rene Angelil (aka Father Xmas) too but we got over it eventually.

PS: Concrete Loop also makes the case that Chris and Rihanna have matching body art, and that Rihanna has been sporting Chris’ tour jacket lately. Nothing says romance like his and hers neck tattoos.

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