Wednesday 16 January 2008

Worrying about Britney Took Its Tolls on Justin Timberlake

 Justin Timberlake
Here is Justin Timberlake looking rugged and stressed leaving Club Villa in West Hollywood this past weekend.The man has been unhappy for a while.Britney's tragedy may make the country laugh and b!tch about But it makes Justin Bleeding inside.Tipster claimed Justin's still rooting for Brit after all these years.First love and first cut are the deepest.Their breakup has never been a clean cut.The spiritial tie between these 2 is still pretty much there.The most paiful thing for Justin is seeing someone you loved so dearly dying in front of your eyes and you know you have lost all the accesses to reach out for and save her.That makes him feel powerless and vulnerable.
That could be a good news for Britney though:at least someone will cry real tears at her funeral.
More snap of
sad Justin,someone please tell this man:live your life a little.Britney's downfall is not your fault and there's nothing you can do about it.It's doomed.

Justin Timberlake

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