Thursday 10 January 2008

Britney's served with Restraining Order from Fed-Ex

Britney Spears

It's merely a point to prove Crazy Brit's insanity that the F**k!ng police has slapped her with a Temporary Restraining Order to prevent her from assassinating K-Fed.It looks like the only way the unhinged Unfitney could get her boys is Fed-Ex is done and buried.So this TRO's not meant to be nothing but a joke.This sh!t's serious.K-Fed could be blasted to death like J.F.K by crazy Brit for all we know.But the joke is K-Fed didn't request the TRO.So it must be his as$ then,cause his sh!t cracker must be taking his safety far more serious than himself which has been temporarily drowned by Ex-wife Brit's spouse support dollar signs.K-Fed's crocodile tears doesn't even stop here:he said he doesn't want to deny the boys their crazy mom and he wants Unfitney to be part of boys' life as much as Brit's money's in his life.Scandalicious!

"Daily Mail has the scandalicious details:
ollowing the drama, the pop star was stripped of her visitation rights to see Sean Preston, two; and Jayden James, one; while aspiring rapper Federline has been granted sole custody of the boys.

As well as losing the right to see her sons, Spears was also issued with a temporary restraining order known as an "emergency protective order", preventing her from coming 100 feet within the vicinity of Federline, U.S. magazine People reports.

Federline's lawyer said he did not request the restraining order, insisting it was enforced by police officers.

His attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan said: "The order helped to stabilise the situation."

LAPD spokesman Mike Lopez explained: "The person it's placed upon would have to stay approximately 100 feet from the other person, or face arrest. In most cases, it's issued by officers when there's the possibility of imminent and immediate danger to the victim."

Despite winning sole custody of the two boys until the couple's next court hearing on January 14, Federline insists he wants his sons to have a relationship with their mother.

Kaplan added: "Kevin doesn't want to keep his kids from being involved in [Spears's] life.

"But foremost is that the kids be in an environment of structure [and] stability. The next goal is to get things to a point where both parents are able to participate fully in their [children's] lives."

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