Monday 21 January 2008

Amy Winehouse's shocking crack house video

Amy Winehouse

Amy Winehouse got some friend.She was smoking crack like there's no tomorrow while being unknowingly filmed by a shady friend.The anonymous b!tch later sold the tape to British tabloid the sun in exchange for some crack money.It's always sad to see an enormous talent throwing her life down the toilet.But the betrayal from a close friend who you would share some quality stash together is also heart-wrenching.I suppose life is just a crackhouse to Wino,there's really no much left to bring her back to her senses.Her parents already give up on her,saying if she needs help,she knows where they're but only if smackhead has one stash of sanity left;her hubby is the supposed bad influence who brought her into the drug scene in the first place but he's in slammer now,apparently sorting himself out;Music is thought to be Amy's salvation but she's got six Grammy nominations,she still looks like she hasn't a care for the world with lines and lines of coke queuing in front her nostrails.She's gonna die like another legendary junkie Kurt Cobain.Record lable could laugh their teeth off when Amy's obituary pushes her record sales off the roof.

"Here is the shabby story of Amy the CrackHouse:
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse
Amy Winehouse

And she admitted she had just popped six VALIUM pills to “bring myself down”.

Amy’s spiral of self-destruction was revealed in a harrowing video filmed at her East London home and seen by The Sun.

It will horrify relatives and friends who fear she could soon end up dead.

Wedding pic ... Amy and Blake

(Wedding pic ...
Amy and Blake)

The footage also laid bare the Back To Black singer’s squalid lifestyle as she stumbled around in a grubby vest surrounded by junkies and parasitic hangers-on.

At one point, lank-haired Amy is warned to watch out for smashed glass on the floor as she scours a bedroom for her kitten barefoot.

The dazed and confused star accuses a guest of taking the pet from a quiet room into the drug-fuelled hubbub of her house party.


She mumbles wearily: “If I was that cat I’d leave on my own accord — I’d call a cab. It ain’t right. This ain’t Toys R Us. They took my cat.”

A friend of the waif-like chart-topper said last night:

Wedding pic ... Amy and Blake

Amy is locked in a nosedive towards oblivion — she is killing herself. The video shows a woman completely out of control.

Her family and her few real friends have begged her to pull herself from the brink many times. But here is proof she has pressed the self-destruct button.

Her fans would scarcely recognise the drug-addled wreck in the video as the talented performer they love.

We can only pray she will get a wake-up call when she watches the video herself and sees the terrible state she is in.Close_quote

The pal added: “Amy is looking ill and dirty, and is so thin you wonder how much more she can take. She MUST get help.”

Amy threw the party at her trendy home in the early hours of Friday — just before she went to court to support husband BLAKE FIELDER-CIVIL at a remand hearing.

Within seconds of greeting pals at the door, she greedily snorted powdered ecstasy offered on the corner of a credit card.

Minutes later, with her head swimming, she is seen on the video being offered cocaine.

Big talent ... Amy the singer

(Big talent ... Amy the singer)

A friend cautions her not to take too much because the drug is from a highly-concentrated stash.

But Amy disregards the warning and hungrily snorts a clump.

The star, her new bottle-blonde hair looking dull and lifeless, then drifts through her lounge in search of the next fix.

She appears oblivious to booze and drugged-up hangers-on milling around and playing on her pool table.

The surreal scene is played out against a soundtrack of 1950s songs from the stereo, including It’s All In The Game by crooner Tommy Edwards, who drank himself to death at 47.

Just before 5am, Amy heads up a spiral staircase to her dimly-lit bedroom, where she squats on her leopardskin print duvet and chats to scruffy pals as she primes a glass pipe with rocks of crack.

She fires it up with a lighter and inhales deeply several times, holding the fumes in her lungs as long as possible to maximise the effect.

The voice that has sold millions of records is transformed into a weak, breathless croak as she tries to talk.

On a wall in the background is a wedding picture of Amy and Fielder-Civil, who is in jail awaiting trial on assault and perverting justice charges.

Pals ask her to go out with them, but she mutters: “I’d be useless to you because I’ve had about six Valium.”

Ironically, she insists she cannot party too heavily as she has to be up at 8am to get to the court on time.

Amy’s real friends believe she is now at constant risk of an overdose like the one which led to her notorious collapse last August.

One said: “Someone has to turn her around, otherwise a great talent will disappear forever very soon.”

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