Saturday 16 February 2008

Paul McCartney agreed to pay Heather $110 Million

Sir Paul McCartney is said to have agreed to a historic divorce settlement which will see Heather Mills walk away with a record $110 Million(£55million), We just learned from BBC world service.

Miss Mills, 40, is to receive a £20million lump sum with further £2.5million annual payments until their four-year-old daughter Beatrice reaches 18.

She could not contain her joy as she walked from the High Court in London smiling broadly yesterday.

(Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills arrive at the High Court yesterday)

As part of the deal, which was predicted in the Daily Mail last week, Miss Mills has agreed to be bound by a confidentiality order which means she will never be able to speak publicly or write in detail about the breakdown of the four-year marriage.

The estranged couple have faced each other over five days at the High Court this week.

Beatrice's main carer will be Miss Mills, but Sir Paul, who has an estimated £825million fortune, will have equal visitation rights in the settlement they are said to have reached.

Miss Mills will live with Beatrice between Britain and Eastern Europe, where she plans to set up another home.

She will also benefit from a four-man security team working in shifts to give her 24-hour cover whether she is with her daughter or not.

Miss Mills wants to be able to flee to a new home she is looking for in Poland or the Czech Republic after recently claiming she had become a hate figure in Britain following the split from Sir Paul in May 2006.

Sir Paul, 65, has also agreed to make a separate special provision for a £1million trust fund which will steadily accumulate each year until Beatrice can access it when she turns 18.

He and Miss Mills have been debating a range of complex issues during their week in the High Court.

Both sides finally verbally agreed to all parts of the deal just before lunchtime yesterday, the Daily Mail has learned.

"They have go the settlement," a source said. "They have agreed on all points. Nothing much has changed this week. There was a deal at the beginning, but it was a complex one.

"There have been a few tweaks to the agreements, but those have been mostly changes Heather wanted made."

Mr Justice Bennett, who is presiding over the case, has set aside Monday in the Royal Courts of Justice for a continuation of the hearing.

A legal source said: "Heather has had no legal representation throughout recent weeks. If a deal has been reached, Mr Justice Bennett has to be sure of a few things to bind Miss Mills to the settlement. He needs to be sure she knows of and understands all the details of the agreement.

"He also must be sure that she not feel under duress to sign it.

"Also, despite Heather having been guided legally in court all week, Mr Justice Bennett will want to give Heather the weekend as one final chance to take legal advice on the final settlement. Whether she does is another matter. It all seems fairly cut and dry. But the judge will want to offer her this final opportunity."

A spokesman for the Royal Courts of Justice confirmed: "They have booked the court for Monday but we have been told they will probably not need it beyond then."

It looks like the one-legged gold-digger has her mission fully accomplished.

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