Friday 22 February 2008

Miley Cyrus: "I Need More Friends"

Miley Cyrus
Though 15-year-old superstar Miley Cyrus would appear to have the world in her young hands, the Hannah Montana star says that's just not true.

"Some people think you have more privileges than other teenagers because of what you do," Miley explains to Barbara Walters during her Oscar special. "And that's not it at all. It's actually the opposite."

Is it because her parents, including country-singing dad Billy Ray Cyrus, are too strict? "They're protective for sure," says Miley. "My mom is more strict than my dad." And when it comes to Miley's choice of close pals, her mom likes to occasionally stick her nose into her daughter's business. "You want to keep your close circle of friends," Miley says. "And sometimes my mom is saying, 'I have a bad vibe about this person. She needs to hang out with you when I'm around just to keep you safe.'"

So what's Miley's solution to staying happy and pleasing her mom? "I need more friends. It's kind of like my quest right now just to have more true friends."

Well, Miley, we're sure there are millions of adoring fans willing to line up to apply for the job!

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