Wednesday 27 February 2008

Naomi Campbell undergoes emergency operation in Brazil

Naomi CampbellNaomi Campbell has undergone a mystery emergency operation in Brazil, according to local reports.

The supermodel, a frequent visitor to the country, is said to have flown in from London especially for the surgery.

According to one of her doctors, she underwent a laparoscopy - a technique used for stomach operations.

The medical team would not reveal details of her condition, but one of the doctors is known to be one of the country’s top infection specialists.

Jos? Aristodemo Pinotti, the doctor who reportedly operated on Campbell, told the Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper: “I’m not authorized to reveal what Naomi had, not even how serious the condition, but I can say she was operated on… and is completely cured.

“It was an emergency operation but everything went well. There were no incidents or any problems that worried me during the surgery.

“The whole procedure was done through laparoscopy, without the need to go through the traditional method, which would mean opening the stomach.”

Campbell checked into Sao Paulo’s Sirio Libanes hospital on Sunday, according to officials, while the procedure reportedly took place between 10pm Monday night and 3am Tuesday morning, local time.

Dr Pinotti added she was feeling well when she woke up on Tuesday. “I have even authorized her to get out of bed.”

She remains hospitalized but is said to be recovering well on a post-operation liquid diet, according to reports. Infections specialist David Uip is supervising her treatment.

He told the local press he couldn’t disclose details, adding: “I am her doctor. She came to Brazil for a treatment. She has been hospitalized since Sunday, That is all I can say.”

Laparoscopy surgery, also called pinhole surgery, is technique in which operations in the abdomen are performed through incisions under an inch - much smaller than traditional procedures. It can involve operations in the stomach or the pelvic cavity. It uses a telescopic rod lens system, usually connected to a video camera. One of the most common operations the technique is used for is the removal of a gall blader.

The supermodel is a frequent visitor to Brazil, having partied at some of the biggest events in the country’s Carnaval earlier this month.

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