Monday 25 February 2008

Miley Cyrus Gives Corbin Bleu Nightmares

High School Musical stud Corbin Bleu talks nightmares about Miley Cyrus, massages and spirits! Thanks so much to Corbin Bleu Fans for this interview from a Swedish magazine.

Tell us about your last nightmare!

"I had an interesting dream the other night, and Miley Cyrus was in it. I was on a restaurant, but I had to leave because a lot of fans was hunting me. Then Miley comes by in a limo, takes of her sunglasses and says 'Hi! I gotta go, everybody‘s after me!' And then the limo drives of really fast and leaves me."

Do you believe in spirits?

"Yes, I’m absolutely sure there is something else out there. And if it’s not ghosts, I guess it’s angels or something. I remember once when I woke up and all my toothpaste was outside the tube. Maybe someone joked with me, but I got really scared."

Tell us a secret!

"I love to get massage! As an actor I’m always traveling, and it’s hard to get time for myself. Even if I’m not at work I can never be alone since there are fans requesting photos and autographs. But when I get massage I get the possibility to relax and think in peace. Fabulous!"

Do you and your parents get along well?

"Extremely well. I think it’s important to have a good relationship with your parents, since they’ve been trough a lot more than you have, and actually know better. It’s great to have parents that I can talk to about everything."

But can you really do that?

"Sure! The other day for example, I got a bad comment from a fan, but mom and dad made me feel better again. They said that there are 20 nice fans for every mean fan I’ve got, and it helped."

What’s your advice for people that’s afraid to ask their parents for help?

"Just do it! Parents are for helping. But if you really can’t, turn to someone else - a teacher, friend, or another family member. Don’t keep it all inside, tell someone!

Do your parents never embarrass you?

"They are actually really cool, so there has never been any bigger problems. But they are so proud of me that it’s embarrassing how much they 'brag' when they talk to people."

When was the last time you were grounded?

"Two years ago. They took my phone too. That was hard! Magazine: What did you do? Corbin: I came home really late from a party, much later than the time they said. I didn’t mean to, I fell asleep at a friends house."

Are you a rebel deep inside?

"Not at all! I’ve always loved my mom and been a sweet guy."

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