Thursday 28 February 2008

Paul McCartney and Heather Mills divorce details to be published

Heather Mills and Paul McCartneyDetails of the bitter divorce battle between Beatles legend Sir Paul McCartney and his estranged wife Heather Mills are set to be published, it has been revealed.

The details will be published by London’s High Court to end speculation over the size of the financial settlement Heather, 40, will receive - which could be the biggest in British legal history.

Mr Justice Bennett, who presided over a five day hearing at the High Court to decide how much money Heather is entitled to, was due to deliver his assessment behind closed doors in courts on March 17.

But he has taken the unusual step of signaling to Sir Paul and Heather that he may release all or part of his conclusions because of the intense public interest in the divorce battle.

A spokesman for the Judicial Communications Office told Britain’s Daily Telegraph newspaper: “The Judge will hand down his judgment in private on March 17. He will then decide, having heard submissions from the parties, whether or not to make the judgment public in whole or in part. The submissions from both parties will be heard in private.

“It is not unknown in high profile cases, or where the judges think the case has legal significance, for some or all of the settlement to be made public.”

The size of Heather’s settlement is likely to remain confidential — unless either side had chosen to go to the Court of Appeal, whose hearings are held in public.

Neither Paul or Heather wanted to comment about the latest twist in their high-profile divorce battle.

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