Saturday 9 February 2008

Paris Hilton is now corrupting children

Paris Hilton has a range of dolls coming out. They aren’t meant to look like her, her wonky eye was too difficult to recreate in a doll without moving eyes, but she has styled them and their accessories.

"Little girls who cannot get enough of US showbiz personality Paris Hilton will be able to buy fashion dolls that wear dresses chosen by the millionaire heiress herself. Simba Toys, a German company, launched the range Wednesday on the eve of the Nuremberg Toy Fair in Germany, the world’s top toy event.

The Hilton dolls will go on sale in Europe this year alongside Simba’s existing doll character, Steffi Love, which competes in a fashion doll market dominated by a US rival, Barbie."

As for an adult doll ...

Paris Hilton turned down the chance to have a sex doll made in her image - because the idea freaked her out. Hilton hated the thought of strangers making love to a doll that looked exactly like her, even though the venture would have made her a fortune. She says, “I turn down perverted things, some sex things. Like a Paris Hilton blow-up doll. “They were like, ‘They’ll sell for $50,000 each, it’ll be the real-life you.’ And I’m like, ‘I really don’t want a real-life me with anyone, anywhere. No!’

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