Friday 8 February 2008

Britney Spears Had a bad hair day,literally

PageSix reports that Brit Brit summoned hairstylist, Kim Vo, to her home yesterday to work on her weave of mass destruction. He spent 4 hours on her and she wanted something "long and sexy." Kim said he overheard her talking on the phone and saying, "I want to start focusing again; I want to figure out the system." He said she talked in her British accent and then acted like she was her own assistant saying that she couldn't wait to get her cars back and go outside. Did Daddy Spears take the cars away? Hopefully.

That's all nice and everything, but I'm sure it will still look like seaweed coming out of the ocean. What I really want to talk about is Kim Vo! He's insane. He's like a toy poodle on speed. Whenever I see him on TV I don't know what to think. I don't know whether to kiss him, hiss at him or run away from him.

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