Sunday 2 March 2008

Jennifer Aniston “quite taken” with Aaron Eckhart

Jennifer AnistonJennifer Aniston, is, according to friends, “quite taken” with actor Aaron Echhart.

The 39-year-old former sitcom star has told pals that she and Aaron - who first met on the Vancouver set of their new romantic comedy ‘Traveling’ - are dating but they are happy to take things slowly.

A source said: “Jennifer wasn’t giving much away on the subject of Aaron but she did say she was quite taken by him.

“She admitted they were dating and having fun, but refused to elaborate. She got really girlie and giggly when his name came up, it was very sweet.”

Aaron, 39, also shares Jennifer’s desire to have children.

He recently revealed: “I do feel I need to get on with it. It’s difficult because you’re working extended hours, in different countries and it’s difficult to have relationships - that are meaningful anyway.

“I’m leaving it in the hands of the heavens because I’m at my wits end.”

Victoria Beckham turned away from New York restaurant

Victoria BeckhamSpice Girls star Victoria Beckham was recently turned away from a trendy New York restaurant — because she wasn’t famous enough, it has been claimed.

The singer-turned fashion designer was visiting NYC eatery Michael’s when she was forced to wait for a table — because there were so many Hollywood A-listers there.

An onlooker said: “It was a room full of movers and shakers and the maître d’ kept her waiting for half an hour for a table. She looked really upset but, let’s put it this way, there were a lot more important people in the room than her!”

The 33-year-old mom of three was also said to be more concerned about waiting by herself than about being made to wait for a table.

The onlooker added: “Victoria was twitching in her seat and constantly checking her BlackBerry. She looked really upset to be sitting there by herself.”

Simon Cowell fears his girlfriend will leave him broke

Simon CowellSimon Cowell is known as TV’s Mr Nasty, leaving dozens of musical hopefuls quaking in their boots — but the one thing that leaves him running scared is marriage — because he fears his longterm girlfriend, Terri Seymour will do a Heather Mills and leave him broke.

Heather Mills, of course, is in the middle of a High Court divorce battle with former Beatle Paul McCartney — where she is believed to be demanding a $110m chunk out of Paul’s estimated $1.6bn fortune.

“I don’t believe in marriage, certainly not in this business,” says 48-year-old Simon - who’s believed to be worth around $200m. “The truth is that you get married and in a year or two they clean you out! It’s just not going to work.”

“We have contracts with artists that are 120 pages long and last five years. Then you go into marriage with no contract and the laws are a thousand years old. It doesn’t work - it changes you. That whole culture just puts you in a very weakened position.

“I think the laws are crazy. I know a lot of people going through divorces now and once the lawyers get involved it starts to get nasty.”

Fortunately for the multi-millionaire music mogul, Terri, 33, accepts his view of things. And, according to Simon, she also shrugged off the speculation that he had fallen for his fellow judge Dannii Minogue on the last series of TV talent series X Factor - something he dismisses. “There were rumors about Dannii and I,” he tells Britain’s Daily Mirror newspaper.

“If you work with cute girls you get that. But I don’t have to smooth anything over with Terri. She understands.”

Jessica Alba was a slut at school

Jessica Alba has opened up... and written about her experiences in school in a forthcoming book of essays by women celebrities, titled "If I'd Known Then." Alba says she was bullied and branded a "slut," because she developed full breasts at a very young age. She claims that the people taunting her were classmates, "self-righteous" mothers and even her elementary school principal, who made her life miserable.

Jess writes: "The accusation still ricochets. They think I'm a slut?"

Alba reveals that she had her first kiss at age 7, and she offers advice to teenaged girls: "Boys are awful. They are made of nothing but hormones until they're about 20 or 21," (try 45 or 50, ha) "It's fun to have a crush, but don't think it's forever."

The collection of celebrity stories are set to publish this spring and features letters by famous women, who are aged 35 or younger.

Other contributors - Olympic soccer gold medallist Julia Foudy, activist Zainab Salbi and actress Danica McKellar.

Sounds like there could be some great advice to young girls from moms and moms-to-be!

Britney Spears set for court showdown with parents

Britney SpearsTroubled pop princess Britney Spears is gearing up for a court showdown with her parents as she attempts to win back control of her life, it has been claimed.

The 26-year-old pop wreck - whose dad Jamie Spears currently has full control over her life - will be the star witness in a battle to overturn a restraining order taken out by her family against her former manager Sam Lutfi.

The Toxic singer will reportedly be asked to give evidence against dad Jamie and mom Lynne, who currently have control of her assets after her recent breakdown.

Lutfi - Spears’ self-styled ‘manager’ and one-time pal has been banned from going within 250 yards of the singer after Lynne accused him of drugging her with prescription pills and cutting her phone lines.

But Lutfi, 33, wants to clear his name — and has secretly contacted the star via a third party to ask for her support. He reportedly told a pal: “I am going to call Britney to the stand so she can tell the world how I was helping her.

“I am innocent. I am Britney’s friend and would never hurt her.”

Lutfi is said to be preparing a dossier for the hearing at the Los Angeles Superior Court on March 17 - in which he’ll claim Britney had access to drugs from other visitors and fears her life is being taken over by her family.

The mother of two was released from the psychiatric ward at the UCLA Medical Center last month - and is believed to be back at home in LA.

Britney is adamant she is capable of taking back control of her own life. A source told Britain’s News Of The World newspaper: “Britney feels fit enough to make her own decisions but is overruled by her father. She is fighting to get control.”

Last night, Lutfi’s spokesman Michael Sands said: “Sam is a good guy who does not agree with this restraining order.

“He will fight it all the way.”

Amy Winehouse makes emergency doctor’s appointment after lump appears on face

Amy WinehouseTroubled singer Amy Winehouse made an emergency appointment to see her doctor - after a mysterious lump appeared on her face, a friend of the singer has revealed.

Amy, 24, tried to mask the swollen, bruised left cheek with make-up as she moved into a new home in East London earlier this week - but last night, a close pal of the ‘Rehab’ star, confirmed the health scare, and the emergency doctor’s appointment.

“She has suffered some form of skin infection—maybe an allergic reaction,” said the pal.

However, one medical expert, disagreed, saying: “I think the most likely explanation is a direct blow, either accidental or deliberate. A skin complaint wouldn’t cause swelling.

“It could be she’s walked into a door or fallen over—which is very likely with her drug habit.”

Amy’s rep added: “Amy has been diagnosed with impetigo - which she has been told can be highly contagious. Because of that she’s been put on antibiotics and may have to stay home alone for the next few days.”

Impetigo is an infection of the skin caused by a bacteria which causes a blistered crusty rash. But it does not cause swelling.

Meanwhile, the singer - whose husband Blake Fielder-Civil is currently locked up in London’s Pentonville prison on assault and conspiracy charges - is being ordered by record bosses to go back to rehab.

Amy - who had a brief stay at a private London rehab clinic last month, is reportedly having a meeting with Universal managers on Monday afternoon—when they will tell her she has to get further treatment - and this time stick to it.

Amy checked into rehab after she was exposed on film smoking what appeared to be a crack pipe. But she checked out just two weeks later to perform via satellite-link at the Grammy Awards, where she scooped five gongs.

Since then - friends fear she is back on drugs.

The source added to Britain’s News of The World newspaper: “All the optimism after the Grammys has gone. Amy is sliding towards oblivion.”

Colin Farrell's Bathing Habits and Why He Went to Rehab

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Hollywood hellraiser Colin Farrell has admitted he is hooked on taking Russian-style steam baths while covered in honey.

The star, who kicked a deadly drug habit, found his new addiction while filming in New York.

He was a daily visitor to the 10th Street Russian and Turkish Baths where guests are smothered in honey before steaming.

Farrell, 31, went on to use one of the few bathhouses in Belgium while shooting his new movie In Bruges. He is now a regular at Los Angeles bathhouses.

He told GQ magazine: "There's something very basic about rubbing honey on your skin and going steaming with a bunch of strange Russian men."

Farrell admitted he went to rehab to get off ecstasy, cocaine, speed, Jack Daniels and wine.


Prince Harry flirted so much with girl Harrier pilot we told him: ‘Get a room.’

To the fighter pilots and the crews manning spy planes above the battlefields of Afghanistan he was just Widow-Six-Seven.

Another radio call-sign, a reassuring voice of authority, a brother in arms, a bit of a wag ... and an incorrigible flirt.

He may have spent the past ten weeks in strange and hostile lands but, in some respects at least, Prince Harry's deployment to the Helmand Province covered more familiar territory: flirting with girls and indulging in some laddish banter with the guys.

Within days of arriving at his posting, 23-year-old Harry was given the daunting responsibility of setting surveillance tasks for experienced pilots and giving final clearance for bomb drops with the crisp confirmation: "Cleared hot."

And soon after taking up his position as emergency air controller, Widow-Six-Seven had become a voice that at least one female fighter pilot looked forward to hearing over the airwaves.

Much to the amusement of his colleagues in the control room, Harry could be heard chatting to the female Harrier pilot about the snow-covered mountains over which she was soaring and commenting how perfect they would be for a spot of skiing.

Moments later, a separate radio channel crackled into life with Harry's laughing comrades telling him to "get a room" if he was planning on pursuing that line of chat.

According to Harry's commanding officer, Battery Commander Major Andy Dimmock: "We were obviously giving him the mickey.

"We said, 'Flirt with her any longer and you have to get a room.' He said, 'Does that count as the Mile High Club?'"

You can take the boy out of Boujis but, it seems, there will always be a little bit of Boujis in the boy.

For Harry, and for his fellow soldiers, such joking asides were a welcome relief amid work that could be both tense and tiresome.

Miles from home, and with only sporadic communication with loved ones, the banter and camaraderie are what pass for normality – a vital release among the business of war that would otherwise be too grim and too brutal to contemplate.

A world away from the luxuries and distractions of home, Widow-Six-Seven was just another soldier happy to share in the good-natured humour that punctuated the tedium of long hours scrutinising surveillance footage from the spy planes at work over southern Afghanistan.

During one long day shift, after Harry had spent hours communicating with one particular crew on a Nimrod spyplane, the aircraft's pilot turned the onboard camera around to flash a picture of a topless glamour model, taped to the outside of the surveillance craft, down to the control room below.

After all, a war wouldn't be a war without a pin-up or two, and for the Facebook generation of which Harry and his comrades are a part, the days of saucy playing cards, viewed by torchlight, have been replaced by internet downloads and live video feed.

Smiling, Harry noted: "If he hasn't worked out [who I am], I'm sure when he sees this he'll wet himself – especially after that poster he showed me from several thousand feet."

On another occasion, while watching the dark figure of a Taliban fighter on his screen, Harry could be heard discussing the chances of him disappearing into a bunker.

The pilot jokingly placed a bet of £10,000, to which Harry responded: "I'll raise you half a million."

"You couldn't afford it," came the pilot's reply.

As well as British and American pilots, the Prince's job also brought him into communication with French and Dutch jets.

By his own admission, Harry could manage only a few French phrases, but he said: "They are quite entertaining and amusing.

"It's always funny because it's almost as though their nose is being pinched because of the air oxygen [mask]. It's like something out of Monty Python."

Speaking yesterday, stripped of the anonymity he so enjoyed during his tour of duty, Harry continued: "It's important to have banter, especially when no one else can listen to it.

"It's just me and him [the pilot] having a good banter and obviously when the aircraft come in you know you've got them on task for three, three-and-a-half hours and you're looking for possibly one or two enemy digging a trench and it can get quite tiring.

"If you're just saying, 'Yep, go to this point,' and just putting the radio down and staring at the screen it just sends you insane.

So I think it's good to be relaxed on the net and have a good chat - but when things are pretty hairy then you need to obviously turn on your game face and do the job."

During his time in Helmand, Harry relished the fact that his "game face" was not prefaced with an "HRH".

For those weeks he was a soldier first and a prince second.

Britney Spears squashed pregnancy rumour

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Troubled pop star Britney Spears has denied rumours that she is expecting a child with her boyfriend, British-born photographer Adnan Ghalib.

Sources close to the singer have been forced to comment on speculation that the 26-year-old was pregnant with her third child after reports said Ghalib had told friends in Britain that he was going to become a father.

"Britney has put on weight because the doctors have switched her prescription," a source was quoted in The Sun.

The rumors first started in January when the couple were pictured at a pharmacy buying a home pregnancy test kit.

Spears's 16-year-old sister Jamie Lynn is currently expecting her first child with boyfriend Casey Aldridge.

The pop star, who spiraled out of control following an acrimonious split with husband Kevin Federline, has recently been allowed to see her two sons for the first time in two months.

Federline's attorney Mark Vincent Kaplan said that the former couple have agreed to modify the court order that stripped Spears of her visitation rights.

In early January, the singer was taken from her home by paramedics following a stand-off with Federline.

Police were called after she refused to hand over the boys and she was briefly hospitalised. She has since lost all visitation rights.

Saturday 1 March 2008

Britney Spears nearly evicted from her own home

TMZ reports that Brit Brit was almost evicted from her Malibu mansion, because she forgot to pay rent this month. Brit's landlord, Love Shack Trust, wanted to kick her ass out after she was 2-weeks late on her $35,000-a-month rent. They added a $2,100 late fee which was not paid. Two weeks? Damn, they are strict. What the hell is Britney doing renting a house. Homegirl needs to call up Suzanne Whang, get on Househunters and buy a joint. Renting is for foolios, like myself.

Sources blame Brit's finance handlers, but everything has now been paid and she's not getting evicted. Britney can't be bothered with petty things like paying rent. It was probably Sam's job, but he was too busy crushing sleeping pills into her Fanta shakes.

I think Britney has the hottest landlord name ever. Love Shack Trust?! If that was my landlord's name, I would be on time with rent every month, because I would actually look forward to writing their stupid name on a check.

Jonas Brothers' Joe Jonas pokes hilarious fun

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Pop rocker Joe Jonas told Tigerbeat magazine:

"I usually make fun of myself. One time I really liked a girl, and the Razor Scooter had just come out. It was the first day of middle school and she was walking by herself. So my plan was to go around the corner and hop the corner, jump in the air, and do it right in front of her. I hopped too early, and I fell on my face! I think it's better to laugh at yourself."

Joe is hilarious!

Mischa Barton Turns Down Gossip Girl Role

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Some hot gossip: Mischa Barton won’t be joining the cast of CW’s Gossip Girl.

TV Guide reported that Barton, 22, had been approached to play Georgina Sparks, an old friend of reformed party girl Serena van der Woodsen (Blake Lively).

But her rep tells, “She will not be on the show. She was approached, but her reps passed.”

Barton is now in Paris attending Fashion Week and promoting her upcoming drama Closing the Ring.

The actress — who was charged with DUI and marijuana possession this past week from a December arrest — last appeared on the Fox hit The O.C. Her character was killed off in 2006.

Despite rumors that she was ready to leave, she told Newsweek it was the producers’ decision to write her off the show.

"But I really think it's best to do movies now," she said at the time.
Tell Us: Should Mischa have taken the Gossip Girls gig?

Tom Cruise has Strange Bathroom Habits

Some A-list stars have their bodyguards stationed outside the restroom when they've got to go. Not Tom Cruise! According to a source, who was already in the loo at a swanky L.A. restaurant when the Scientologist entered, Tom had his bodyguard accompany him into the bathroom — and stand guard close by while the 45-year-old star went! Meanwhile, the bodyguard stared our spy down. AWK-ward!

Our source tells us that Tom then washed his hands "as fastidiously and thoroughly as a surgeon preparing for surgery. He must have washed his hands for at least 5 minutes."
To be fair, you never know what kind of germs are lurking!

James McAvoy: What It Was Like Kissing Angelina Jolie

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James McAvoy has no complaints about his love scenes with Angelina Jolie in their upcoming film Wanted. "It was fine," the actor told Extra.

"Those things are always embarrassing." McAvoy also revealed that he almost became a priest.

"For about five minutes and then I quickly realized in order to become a Catholic priest, one would have to give up conjugal rights," he said.

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Prince Harry : 'I don't actually like England that much'

Prince Harry stressed his commitment to being in the front line as he spoke of his time in Afghanistan and said he wanted to return to combat as early as summer.

The prince — who was beginning his journey back to Windsor Barracks today — spoke of his frustration at being in the media spotlight when at home in Britain.

Speaking in Afghanistan he said: “I don't want to sit around in Windsor. But I generally don't like England that much and, you know, it's nice to be away from all the press and the papers and all the general s***e they write.”

He also expressed hopes of being able to return to Afghanistan as early as this summer but that is now unlikely.

It's no surprise that Harry isn't keen on coming home. Away from the constant glare of paparazzi's cameras as he stumbles out of celebrity clubs, Harry appears to have thoroughly enjoyed his time out of the spotlight.

Today pictures were released which showed him enjoying a lighter moment on operation in Afghanistan.

They show a young Prince at ease with his surroundings and the men that he commands.

Riding a spluttering motorbike, he looks like a boy with a new toy as he careers across the desert, laughing as he goes.

"No brakes! No brakes!", the Prince shouts as he digs his heels into the dirt to stop the vehicle, which he had found abandoned moments earlier.

Harry, 23, a Cornet - or Second Lieutenant - in the Household Cavalry, has been playing his part in the war on the Taliban in Helmand Province since mid-December.

Today the Queen spoke of her pride in her grandson as she visited a care home in Windsor.

John Cooke, 81, a former Grenadier Guard, said: “I said to her 'we all think it's wonderful what Harry is doing'. She said 'yes, Harry is doing a good job in a very difficult climate'.”

The deployment was cloaked in secrecy to prevent the Taliban finding out and making him and his comrades a target.

But a news blackout broke down last night after details were leaked on influential foreign websites.

These pictures were taken in Afghanistan as part of a deal between the media and the Ministry of Defence, which allowed reporters access to the Prince in Helmand.

Details were to be held back until his expected safe return to the UK in April but can be now be released with MoD approval after the leaks.

The motorbike was found abandoned during a stop on a patrol in the desert in Spartan light tanks.

Harry dashed across to investigate the bike and check it was safe before wheeling it across to his fellow soldiers to try to get it started.

Ripping a spangly Afghan cushion off the Honda 6125, he joked that it did not fit with his soldier look.

But he nevertheless forgot to remove two fetching silk flowers attached to the front as he jumped on.

With Trooper Qoriniasi Matai Loloma, from Suva, Fiji, giving him a much-needed push the engine spluttered into life, allowing Harry to enjoy a few laps of the surrounding sand.

Then it was his turn to push as Lance Corporal Steve "Geri" Halliwell, from Bolton, had a go.

But as the engine spluttered and failed, Harry landed on his back in laughter - still not admitting defeat.

Miley Cyrus looks fab with her mom at a recording studio

Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus was out on Friday making her way into a Santa Monica recording studio with her mother, Tish, by her side.

Smiley Miley toted a giant gold leather purse for the outing, but was without her favorite condiment - ketchup. On a recent Tonight Show appearance, the Disney tween mogul “unveiled one of her hidden habits - she likes to drink ketchup right from the bottle.”

“You also drink ketchup, which seems odd,” Leno said to Miley, who was visiting Leno’s program with dad Billy Ray.

“There’s nothing odd about it,” Cyrus smiled. “It’s just good.”

And according to Miley, not only is ketchup delicious, but it’s also good for you. “It’s a liquid technically,” she laughed. “It’s half the calories.”

Britney Spears gets rid off her baby bump

Spears has also gotten back to dancing and it shows from the recent improvement in her physique - which should put an end to all of those baby rumors circulating the tabloids.

Continuing her workout regimen, Brit arrived at Millennium Dance Complex in North Hollywood on Friday afternoon with her mother, Lynne Spears, who is back in town from Louisiana.

Joining the mother/daughter Spears tandem for the dance outing were the Toxic singer’s blonde assistant and her new bodyguard - all there to make sure that Miss Britney keeps on the right path!

Friday 29 February 2008

Ashley Tisdale's nose job finally paid off

i think Ashley Tisdale's nose job is finally giving her a big head.
YAY Ashley Tisdale is alive (the picture is just because I'm super excited for Summer). Ash is currently in Auckland, New Zealand filming her new movie. She told the New Zealand Herald, 'Kiwis are awesome. They're really cute, too.'

She has been in NZ for four weeks, shooting the $60 million comedy, They Came From Upstairs. The feature is set in an old villa in North Auckland. Security is tight, and film-makers have asked to keep the location secret. But fans still managed to find her filming at Narrow Neck Beach. Ashley dished:

"There were, like, 20 guys around my age, standing on the side. I came out and they were like, whistling and stuff. I don't really have that a lot. I usually get the young kids but seeing, like, a bunch of guys waiting, I was like, 'Wow, that's awesome, I don't know what to do. Should I go over and talk to them?"'

In the film, described as Gremlins meets Home Alone, Ash plays a teenager forced to defend the family holiday home from invading aliens. So, are you excited for Tis' first big feature film?

Kanye West denied entry at Paris Fashion show

Kanye West's most obnoxious fan, Kanye West, is having another temper tantrum, and this one's international.

As you may already know, when not making music, boasting about the music he's made or bitching that his music doesn't get enough recognition, Kanye can often be found obsessing over fashion.

Unfortunately, the feeling is not mutual, and the Vuittompous rapper is being proscribed from attending some of Paris Fashion Week's most noteworthy shows. Perhaps the most hurtful declination came from the Balienciaga house, which denied Yeezy even after he took to his blog to award its Closed Front Cage Sandals "Illest Shoe."

Why is Mr West being blackballed? Capacity issues? Racism? Honest mistakes? According to him, it's none of that. He says the issue at hand is the designers and their jealous demand for the spotlight:

"I understand it. I get a lot of attention and, you know, sometimes the designers don't want anything taking the focus off the show."

And there you have it: he’s literally too cool to be allowed in, obvs!

Just my POV: His ~I'm the greatest evaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar thing~ was once hilarious. But now, it's just irritating. Sigh. Just another case of "Ho, sit down."

Miley Cyrus is a dog rescuer

Miley Cyrus, Billy Ray Cyrus

Miley Cyrus drove us absolutely crazy yesterday with her screeching YouTube debut, but today she's back on our good side.

Why? Because we love puppies.

The Hannah Montana star and her "Achy Breaky Heart" daddy happened upon a lost dog today near their home and were kind enough to stay with the poor pup until they finally found its owner.

Sure, it's no Tom-Cruise-rescues-family-trapped-in-the-snow event, but it's absolutely adorable.

These are the kind of stories we love!

Paris Hilton Keeps Animals in Check

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton's cutting down on her entourage—of puppies, of course.

At last count, Paris boasted of having 17 doggies under her care, which earned her a visit from Animal Services.

Well, we can officially report that she's lightened her load a bit.

"I only have 10 now," Paris tells E! News. "Some of my dogs had puppies, so I gave some of them away to people I really know and trust. I gave some to my stylist and to a few of my best friends, so now I'm down to 10."

But not even all 10 get to stay with Paris all the time. Her new Beverly Hills mansion, where she's building a mini dog mansion just for her pooch pals, is still under construction.

"And I travel so much, it's hard to have them all with me all the time," says Paris.

Often, her furry friends end up staying with Paris' parents, her aunt Kyle and her kids, or other relatives.

But what about those more exotic pets we heard she was so fond of collecting: two monkeys, two rabbits and a couple of ferrets?

The entire brood resides on a ranch owned by the Hilton family in Nevada.

Says Paris, "I have a zookeeper who watches over them."

Britney Spears Terrorizes Betsey Johnson Again, but in a Good Way

Britney Spears
We're all for the good news that keeps coming from Britney Spears headquarters, but that doesn't mean we don't miss the occasional "Oh, Britney" story.

Today we finally have one, courtesy of yet another Betsey Johnson boutique.

The New York Daily News reports that when Brit stopped by Betsey Johnson a little over a week ago, she had a couple of strange, "only in Hollywood, kids!" requests.

First, she wanted the store to make an exact copy of a Dolce & Gabbana dress to be picked up later that evening. After the staff explained that they sell clothes, they don't sew them, our diva turned her attention to a yellow wig belonging to a mannequin in the window.

There's no denying Queen B, of course, and the store manager offered it to her for $100. The mannequin, like always, had no say in the matter.

Looks like Britney is healing up just fine into the regular ol' pop diva she was always meant to be—and whom we will always love.

Brad Pitt reveals his marine haircut

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Brad Pitt on the set of his new movie, Tree of Life. I'm too lazy to look up what the movie is about, but he has the standard military haircut for the movie. Sean Penn will also star in the movie, which will be directed by Terrence Malick (The Thin Red Line).

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Britney Spears's dad asking for a paternity test for Jamie-Lynn Spears

Britney Spears' family have been rocked by another scandal - pregnant teen Jamie-Lynn's own birth was reportedly unplanned, and her father demanded a paternity test to make sure he was the baby's daddy.

As big sister Britney battles bipolar disorder and 16-year-old Jamie-Lynn prepares to become a young mom, the girls' uncle has come forward with another past family secret.

William Spears claims "history is repeating itself" - because Jamie-Lynn wasn't planned.

The relative tells In Touch magazine that the young actress' father Jamie was concerned when his wife Lynne announced she was pregnant - because he had had a vasectomy after the couple's second child, Britney.

Uncle Willie says, "Jamie got awfully mad. He said it couldn't be his."

William Spears alleges his big brother then demanded a DNA test that proved he was the baby's biological father.

He adds, "That's why they named her Jamie-Lynn, to kind of make the point that she was from both of them."

The youngest Spears daughter stunned the world when she announced she was pregnant with boyfriend Casey Aldridge's child in December.

pink planned retreat to save marriage with CAREY HART

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Pop star PINK was so determined to save her marriage she booked a romantic getaway for husband CAREY HART and herself just before announcing they had split. The Trouble singer went public with the latest celebrity marriage split last week, even though she had just booked a getaway in Oahu, Hawaii. An insider tells In Touch Weekly magazine, "She recently booked a seven-day vacation at The Kahala Hotel + Resort in Honolulu for the week of February 28. "She asked for their most romantic beachfront suite." But Pink, 28, cancelled the $3,000 (GBP1,500)-a-night retreat with Carey.

Meanwhile, a dancer on the singer's summer 2007 tour tells the publication Pink has been far from happy about her marriage for some time. And another friend adds, "They started talking divorce within a few months of their wedding and then they surprised everyone by deciding to work it out instead. But their split surprised no one." Pink, real name Alecia Moore, and Carey were married in January, 2006, in Costa Rica.

Britney Spears pissed off by a Brazilian reporter

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Britney don't drink the crazy Frapp juice! Do us all a favor and dump it on the dude with the pink wig. That would only happen in my wildest dreams. reports it was some Brazilian reporter trying to give Brit Brit a gift. Her bodyguard was not having it and he was screaming at everyone. Seriously, this bodyguard is no joke. While watching the video, I was waiting for his ass to pull out an uzi. Brit finally shouts, "You are screaming in my ear, will you shut the fuck up!!" and then she sucks on the Frapp.What the hell kind of gift did Pink Wig Dude want to give Brit? I hope she took a good look at him and realized how idiotic that wig really is.

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