Sunday 2 March 2008

Prince Harry flirted so much with girl Harrier pilot we told him: ‘Get a room.’

To the fighter pilots and the crews manning spy planes above the battlefields of Afghanistan he was just Widow-Six-Seven.

Another radio call-sign, a reassuring voice of authority, a brother in arms, a bit of a wag ... and an incorrigible flirt.

He may have spent the past ten weeks in strange and hostile lands but, in some respects at least, Prince Harry's deployment to the Helmand Province covered more familiar territory: flirting with girls and indulging in some laddish banter with the guys.

Within days of arriving at his posting, 23-year-old Harry was given the daunting responsibility of setting surveillance tasks for experienced pilots and giving final clearance for bomb drops with the crisp confirmation: "Cleared hot."

And soon after taking up his position as emergency air controller, Widow-Six-Seven had become a voice that at least one female fighter pilot looked forward to hearing over the airwaves.

Much to the amusement of his colleagues in the control room, Harry could be heard chatting to the female Harrier pilot about the snow-covered mountains over which she was soaring and commenting how perfect they would be for a spot of skiing.

Moments later, a separate radio channel crackled into life with Harry's laughing comrades telling him to "get a room" if he was planning on pursuing that line of chat.

According to Harry's commanding officer, Battery Commander Major Andy Dimmock: "We were obviously giving him the mickey.

"We said, 'Flirt with her any longer and you have to get a room.' He said, 'Does that count as the Mile High Club?'"

You can take the boy out of Boujis but, it seems, there will always be a little bit of Boujis in the boy.

For Harry, and for his fellow soldiers, such joking asides were a welcome relief amid work that could be both tense and tiresome.

Miles from home, and with only sporadic communication with loved ones, the banter and camaraderie are what pass for normality – a vital release among the business of war that would otherwise be too grim and too brutal to contemplate.

A world away from the luxuries and distractions of home, Widow-Six-Seven was just another soldier happy to share in the good-natured humour that punctuated the tedium of long hours scrutinising surveillance footage from the spy planes at work over southern Afghanistan.

During one long day shift, after Harry had spent hours communicating with one particular crew on a Nimrod spyplane, the aircraft's pilot turned the onboard camera around to flash a picture of a topless glamour model, taped to the outside of the surveillance craft, down to the control room below.

After all, a war wouldn't be a war without a pin-up or two, and for the Facebook generation of which Harry and his comrades are a part, the days of saucy playing cards, viewed by torchlight, have been replaced by internet downloads and live video feed.

Smiling, Harry noted: "If he hasn't worked out [who I am], I'm sure when he sees this he'll wet himself – especially after that poster he showed me from several thousand feet."

On another occasion, while watching the dark figure of a Taliban fighter on his screen, Harry could be heard discussing the chances of him disappearing into a bunker.

The pilot jokingly placed a bet of £10,000, to which Harry responded: "I'll raise you half a million."

"You couldn't afford it," came the pilot's reply.

As well as British and American pilots, the Prince's job also brought him into communication with French and Dutch jets.

By his own admission, Harry could manage only a few French phrases, but he said: "They are quite entertaining and amusing.

"It's always funny because it's almost as though their nose is being pinched because of the air oxygen [mask]. It's like something out of Monty Python."

Speaking yesterday, stripped of the anonymity he so enjoyed during his tour of duty, Harry continued: "It's important to have banter, especially when no one else can listen to it.

"It's just me and him [the pilot] having a good banter and obviously when the aircraft come in you know you've got them on task for three, three-and-a-half hours and you're looking for possibly one or two enemy digging a trench and it can get quite tiring.

"If you're just saying, 'Yep, go to this point,' and just putting the radio down and staring at the screen it just sends you insane.

So I think it's good to be relaxed on the net and have a good chat - but when things are pretty hairy then you need to obviously turn on your game face and do the job."

During his time in Helmand, Harry relished the fact that his "game face" was not prefaced with an "HRH".

For those weeks he was a soldier first and a prince second.

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